Kötelező olvasmány

- A hátsó sorból - Ruth on Roxy
- Zappa: Egy interjú - jó, 1973
- ROCK - és más négybetűsek 1968
- Road Tapes #2 - by Milán  << 
- Terry Bozzio & Borlai - videó
- Műszál Bob / Szomorú Jane
- Zappa idézetek - megmond.

Zappa Stream Radio

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Vinyl is not dead - Frank zappa kislemezkönyv

2013.07.23. 08:42 mB

kislemezkonyv - small.jpgÖt év munkájával készült a “Vinyl is not dead - it just smells funny” című, Zappa kislemezeit összegyűjtő könyv. Az 500 színes oldalon minden kislemez, maxi és EP szerepel, amihez Zappának köze volt - vagy 300 fotóval és minden hozzáférhető háttérinformációval. Vannak még aztán tesztnyomatok, címke- és borítóváltozatok, satöbbik.

Ennek a nagylemez-előzménye a Grand Zappa könyv.

Előszó: Napoleon Murphy Brock és Jeff Simmons, borító: Cal Schenkel.

After 5 years of work and fun, THE FRANK ZAPPA SINGLE BOOK is finally at the printers! The title is “Vinyl is not dead - it just smells funny”. A book in English language made from a collector for fans and collectors. On more than 500 full colored pages, every single, maxi, and EP with Frank Zappa contribution is exposed, including more than 3000 photos, many background information and a price guide. Furthermore you’ll find pictures of the rarest test pressings, acetates, cover and label variations, a price guide, and a lot of other weird stuff.

The book consists of a preface from Jeff Simmons (bassist/rhythm guitarist of the Mothers of Invention from 1970 and 1974) and Napoleon Murphy Brock (saxophone/flute/vocals of Frank Zappa between 1974 and 1984), the great full colored cover design is done by Cal Schenkel (artwork designer of many Frank Zappa records).

Pre-orders are available for 99 EUR (+ shipping cost, depending on where you live) at:


The book will be delivered after Zappanale (mid August). If you’ll visit Zappanale, you can purchase the book in the Zappanale exhibition rooms (Am Markt 3, Bad Doberan, Germany) for the reduced price. After Zappanale the regular price is 110 EUR.

Dieter Jakob


“The re-assuring click from the brown bakelite RCA changer/player unit... and another 45 rpm disc gently drops on the 7 inch turntable....the tone arm swings over and lands precisely in the opening grooves of "Edna" by the Medallions on the red DooTone label out of central Los Angeles.

A teenage Frank Zappa takes a drag on a Marlboro and leans back and begins singing along softly... "doom doo... doo... do doo oo hey.. ey, Edna my dear" and is filled with a sense of joy. His off time from school (last night at least) was spent at the nearby Vliet household listening to Lowell Fulsom... Pee Wee Crayton... and... Howlin' Wolf, with his friend Don. Smoking cigs, drinking coffee and pop. Til' late.

Frank Zappa dreamed big... of someday his group having a 45rpm single with a cool guitar solo spraying off of the end of the stylus into the electro-magnetic world of the RCA changer/player and out through the little speaker; or better yet... the big 15 inch Jensen in the Wurlitzer!

Now boys and girls, Frank was from the future...and a bonafide genius... But even he didn't know that in a few short revolutions around the sun, he would have enough singles to fill six or seven juke boxes!

And they're all here in this exciting and informative archive compiled by Dieter Jakob. From the early days of Studio Z in Cucamonga through the major studios of Hollywood".

Jeff Simmons
bassist/rhythm guitarist of the Mothers of Invention from 1970 and 1974


If you are a true Frank Zappa fan and wish to have your library complete, this piece of history needs to be a part of your collection. I overwhelmingly endorse this fine piece of Frank Zappa history and will be looking forward to adding it to my collection with enthusiasm. 

Napoleon Murphy Brock
2009 Grammy winner, saxophone/flute/vocals from 1974 - 1984

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: könyv bakelit

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