Részletek egy nagyon jó visszhangú koncertről. A titkos jelszavak többek között "schauschesch" (John Smothersül a sausage [kolbász]) és "Fornebu". A Torture Never Stops közben Zappa észreveszi, hogy nincs behangolva a gitárja, a finoman lírikus szólót így Walt Fowler trombitás hozza, ami után Zappa is teker azért egy derekasat (összesen 53 perc).
- Advance Romance
- A Pound For A Brown (Make a Sex Noise)
- The Torture Never Stops (schauschesch!!)
- Inca Roads
- Bobby Brown
- Keep It Greasey
What's the story behind sausage?
Oh, sausesh! Let me try and explain this concept to you. You remember Mr. Smothers, my bodyguard for many years? Well, Mr. Smothers liked sausesh! you see he couldn't pronounce sausage very well because he had false teeth so when he would say it it would come out as sausesh! He discovered the legendary European sausesh! in Copenhagen. They sell them on the street on a piece of waxed paper (two long things with mustard on them). One day, he decided to buy one of these things and eat it. The guys in the band saw this gentlemen walking down the street with these sauseshes! hanging out of his mouth with mustard on them. This is included in a song called Dong Work For Yuda. So most of the guys in the band already knew about John and his warm feelings for the sausesh of Denmark. But then yesterday, Dave, the new bodyguard, told us a story about this dog in England that has been on television that can say sausage. The way it works is, the dog's owner does something to the dog's throat. I think he probably grabs the dog by the balls! He squeezees them and moves his throat and what comes out is sausesh! The whole band heard this story just before we went on stage and it just worked it's way into the show.
What's the connection between sausesh and Fornebu?
To me, Fornebuuu, or however you pronounce it, always struck me as an amusing word. It's probably not very amusing to you cause it's merely your airport. However, different words in different languages strike people in different ways. Here's a reverse example: I was told by a friend in Norway that there was a child born whose uncle didn't speak English very well and they were talking about various names to call the child. He thought that the word 'vomit' would be a really good name to call the child because in his ear it sounded real heroic. That word in America is not all that charming. But in my ear the word Fornebuuuu is something that could amuse members of the band and so that is why we had the Fornebuuu Sausesh Show' last night. (Society Pages, 1988, Oslo)
Az estéről semmi nem jelent meg hivatalos kiadványon, mert a mobil stúdió lerobbant, így felvétel sem készült. A koncert véleményezése itt.
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